All of us have been offered haldi or turmeric at some point in our lives by the elders as a possible cure for an issue we had. This, however, is not an old wives’ tale as modern science and medicine have come out in full force to back the numerous health benefits of the ancient natural remedy.
Before we delve into the numerous health benefits of turmeric, let’s take a look at what it actually is.
What is Turmeric?
Turmeric is a flowering plant that’s part of the ginger family whose roots or rhizomes are used extensively throughout Asia. In addition to medicinal properties, it is a culinary staple in many cultures and also doubles as a natural dye. Reports of turmeric usage dates back to 2200 BCE and is the cornerstone of traditional healing sciences such as Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and traditional Chinese Medicine.
Turmeric is moderately spicy in flavor and is often used in its powdered form. The preparation of turmeric powder is a fairly straightforward process and can be done at home. The first step is to wash the turmeric root and place it in a vessel over a heat source. Fill up the vessel with water and boil until it begins to froth. Continue heating over a low flame. Drain the water and leave it to cool. Chop up the roots into small pieces and dry them in direct sunlight in an area with plenty of air circulation. Allow it to dry until the roots begin to shrink. Natural drying would take around a week to complete. The roots are then powdered over a blender and sieved to get that aromatic yellow powder found in desi kitchens.
Now that we’ve learned how to make this wonderful powder, let’s take a look at the curative properties it possesses.
1. Anti-inflammatory
Inflammation is the result of the body’s immune response and is typically characterized by redness and swelling. Inflammations are never pleasant and are usually accompanied by pain, or at the very least, some form of discomfort. Letting the inflammation run its course is a terrible experience. That’s where turmeric steps in to save the day. Curcumin, the compound in turmeric that gives the root its characteristic yellowish color, is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Certain studies have shown that at the right ratio curcumin could prove to be more effective than even ibuprofen. Include turmeric in your daily diet or mix it with warm milk for best results. Since chronic inflammation can lead to serious complications, taking care of it at the earliest is critical and turmeric can help you do just that.
2. Battles Cancer
Inflammation has been associated with numerous types of cancer in the past. This means that curcumin found in turmeric can be used to prevent cancer formation and deter its multiplication. Turmeric helps in battling cancer by hindering cancer cell formation by disrupting the associated cell-signaling pathways. Additionally, it can suppress the symptoms of certain cancers. Studies have shown that turmeric is particularly effective in reducing urination frequency for those suffering from Prostate cancer.
3. Enhance Heart Health
Endothelial membrane is a thin membrane that lines the inside of the heart and blood vessels. This lining is critical to heart function and lower endothelial function due to factors such as aging are the primary reason behind cardiovascular diseases. Studies have shown that curcumin is capable of improving endothelial function, thereby, helping the heart stay healthy for longer. Moreover, turmeric has shown similar efficacy as drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes as heart disease is a comorbidity associated with the condition.
4. Potent Antioxidant
Oxidants are a class of molecules that are highly reactive and formed as a by-product of reactions occurring in the body. Oxidants are particularly detrimental to the body as they react with molecules in the body such as lipids and proteins leading to damage and inflammation. Oxidants are one of the main culprits behind the visible effects of aging. Many diseases are associated with oxidative damage as well. These oxidants are called free radicals as they have an unpaired electron which makes them so reactive. Therefore, to negate the effect of oxidants, these free radicals need to be neutralized. That’s where antioxidants come into play as their molecular chemistry is capable of neutralizing oxidants. Curcumin is a potent antioxidant in itself and complements the activity of other antioxidants as well.
5. Prevent Alzheimer’s Onset
One of the most common forms of senile dementia, Alzheimer’s disease has no viable cure presently. Therefore, it is critical to prevent or delay the onset of the disease. Since inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain tissues are the main reasons behind Alzheimer’s disease, turmeric can definitely play a preventive role in this regard. Moreover, recent studies indicate that curcumin can cross the blood-brain barrier making it the ideal choice for tackling Alzheimer’s. Another instigator of Alzheimer’s is the formation and build up of protein tangles known as amyloid plaques. Turmeric is capable of clearing out amyloid plaques as well.
6. Fight’s Depression
Depression is a common illness in the modern world with 1 in 4 people affected by the condition. Although there are numerous medications available to counter depression, the majority of them lead to addiction or come with some side-effects. Studies have shown that turmeric works well as a natural antidepressant and serves a cure with no side effects. Curcumin is capable of stimulating the release of certain protein factors in the brain which helps in countering depression.
Turmeric is truly the complete condiment as it possesses numerous health benefits in addition to enhancing the quality of all dishes. Adding turmeric to your daily routine can stall the aging process and help keep you young, fit and at the top of your form.